Thursday, June 2, 2022

Hitting the wall

I finally hit the wall last night. Fell asleep at 5:00 pm and really didn't wake up until 7:30 am this morning. I'm sure not getting woken up by a crying baby,  garbage trucks making their early morning rounds, cars drag racing in the middle of the night or the random fireworks (gun shots) going off at night is part of it too. There is the random pinecone hitting the roof or loud squirrels running across the roof but overall it's very quiet here. 
Made a pan of country hash browns because it's what I have in the house. Being so far away from grocery stores, you really have to plan out your meals. No more quick trips to the store to pick up whatever you forgot. I'm also very lucky that my cousin-in-laws like to cook so the kitchen has everything I need. Would be super if I could stay in this neighborhood but it's way out of my price range. So I'll enjoy it while I can as I look for something more long term. 
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