Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Super Bowl Sunday?

Steak, eggplant, mushrooms, spinach
This is how I spent my Super Bowl Sunday. Really, I wouldn't even know the super bowl was happening if people didn't post about it! Guess you can tell I don't follow sports. :) 
I was babysitting these old guys this weekend and we just pretty much crash on the sofa at the end of the day. I do try and keep them active during the day but being very old dogs there's only so much one can do. 
I made one of my favorite meals since I had access to a BBQ grill. Steak, marinated eggplant, mushrooms (Julia Child's way) and fresh spinach. I use to make this all the time when I lived up in the hills with Annie. My grill was always set up and gave Annie more time to be outside. I hoping to set something up here at my new place but it's very low on my list of things to get done. 
So who won the game?
How we chill at the end of the day

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