Friday, February 24, 2023

Green Tea Salad - Fail

I really like Burmese green tea salad when I go out to eat at a local restaurant. It looks simple enough so I gave it a try at home. I didn't have all the ingredients so I used what I had, which of course was a mistake. The cabbage was on the old side  too so that didn't help. Everything went out into the compost pile. :(
I looked up another recipe that requires the dressing to ferment over night, which sounds better. I'm also going to break down and buy the very $$$ dried shrimp. I was at Ranch 99 and they had several types of dried shrimp but for the little bit that I would need I couldn't bring myself to spend $14 for a little bag. I'm going to have to look up more recipes that use dried shrimp!
The restaurant that make the salad I like now sells it as a kit, which I think is a great idea. 
One thing I did learn from all this was how to make fried garlic oil and I can't use my smoothie blender to chop up my peanuts. It turned the peanut into powder in a nano second. I don't have a food processor anymore (haven't used it in years) so I'll have to chop them up the old school way. 

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