Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Amazing photo Carmel 2023

photo by Xu Dong
Isn't this an amazing photo!?! It was taken by Xu Dong from Los Altos. It's the lone Cypress  tree in Carmel with the Milky Way in the sky. I'm not sure if he used filters (guessing maybe he did) but it's an impressive photo. 
I don't do any editing when I take photos even if I knew how. :) I like to use natural light and setting when I can. I do add more lighting when doing indoor still shots, but that's only to get more of the details to show. 
Yeah, I'm one of the those people who look at the backgrounds of photos with just as much interest as the main subject. When I take a photo, I'm looking at the background with just as much interest as the main subject. 
During the Jonny Depp trial, I was very interested in hearing what the video expert had to say about how he can tell when a video or photo has been edited and how many times it has been. How far away from the original it is.  We all know there's always a digital stamp on everything taken with you phone (location, time etc...) but how you go about getting finding it was interesting.  
When I saw this Carmel photo, the very first thing I asked myself was if he edited in the Milky Way. The only reason I even thought of that was I've never seen a photo taken from this angle with the Milky Way this clear. 

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