Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dog Park Buddy

I try  to take Annie to the dog park everyday after we've had our morning walk.  It's to socialize her to other dogs and learn to play well with others.  One of her good buddies is a 7 month old female rottie (center photo) named Jenna.  You can see that Annie at 4 months is almost the same size as Jenna. When we passed the kids park, Annie made a beeline for the play area.  Jenna followed her up the stairs and they thought about going down the slides - middle photo.  Annie worked the tunnels and stairs like a champ - bottom photo. 
I'm always looking for big bred dogs for Annie to play with so they can body slam and chew on each other.  Both girls are very calm by nature so their play never gets to rough.  After an hour at the dog park Annie is down for a long nap.  Time to get some things done around the house.

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