Saturday, June 8, 2024

Uchida & Company Embroidery

Last month when I was down here in Carmel I saw these vintage embroidery portraits at the Discovery shop in Pacific Grove. Something I've never seen before. The thrift store said it was from the 1940's but I think it's later than that. At $150 each (there is one of a man) it was out of my flipping price range. I had been thinking about these pieces and thought if I could work out a deal I would get both. This weekend everything was 50% off so now I had no excuse not to get at least one of them. The grandmother one is my favorite so I pick that one first. 
I thought I would do a little research before I buy the second one. 
The artwork was done by the Uchida Art company. I don't know if that's the artist's name or not but that stamp mark (signature) is translating as. I can only guess these were commissioned portraits of really people. I still would like to do my research and I'm debating is I should go back and get the second one. 
Update: I did go back and get the other one.

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