Friday, June 14, 2024

Collection from the beach

Carmel City beach isn't known for its beach combing but I'm always hopeful. I'm happy to see parts of abalone shells, hopefully that means the population is coming back!  Abalone season has been closed for several years now. Abalone diving was a favorite family camping trip for many years. We would go up north to Salt Point State Park, which is known for its great abalone sites. Really miss those days. 
I did find someone's massive key ring with their Jeep car fob on my last day in Carmel. It was in the surf  (at low tide) and having no way to contact the person, I just put it on top of a drift wood pole. From all the keys, I'm sure someone was having a really bad day. 
I also carry an extra doggie poop bag to pick up any trash, which the beach has very little of. 

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