Tuesday, June 4, 2024

After Breakfast Snack.

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One of the many outings I do when here in Carmel, is going to the farmer's markets. It's very pricey so instead of going out to eat, I spend my money on locally grown fruit. 
P&K strawberry farms is very old school. They sort out their berries on the spot so you only get the best ones. 
3 baskets for $19.00. I can't remember the name of the dark cherries, it's a variety I never heard of before. Was told 
they're suppose to be less acidic than Bings.  $18 per pound. The Rainers (my favorite) were also $18 per pound.  
Going to make strawberry shortcake for dinner tonight. :) 

1 comment:

Niki said...

Rainier cherries are my favorite also, $18 per pound is pretty pricey though Enjoy!