Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Oh A-Hunting We Will Go

This is a favorite book of Henk as he likes to sing. I sent the book home with him as he liked it so much. This book was first published in 1974 and they had children pick the animals so it doesn't follow the other books out there. I've been searching for another copy for months so we could sing it together over FaceTime. I tried eBay but it was a bait and switch seller, they would send some random very used book and ask if I wanted a 20% discount not to return it. The other ones on eBay were way over priced. I had to find it out in the wild again. It's hard to find books this thin because you have to go through a lot of books which takes a lot of time. I usually just pull a handful out and flip through it quickly and move on. On Monday I got lucky and when I pulled out stack, this book was on top. I was so shocked and surprised! Best part was it was 50% off on all books day at the Yellow Brick Road.  Paid $1.50 

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