Friday, June 21, 2024


This is Sumo, the little frenchie I'm babysitting. It's a little bit different babysit this type of breed. I have to be really carefully with we go out for a walk. I have to pay attention to the temperature and cat poop. Yes, Sumo likes to snack while on our walk - totally gross. 
He also likes to scream at anything moving. I'm guessing his eye sight isn't very good and I'm pretty sure his sense of smell is the same. I think it's funny and most of the neighbors know him so they just laugh. There's even a cat who was so calm even when Sumo went banshee less than a foot away from him. 
I dressed him up for a daily update to his owners. He was not happy and I think he even did a little growl at me. :) 

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