Sunday, June 9, 2024

Another Book Binding

Thrift Store Find
I've been working on designing some classes for FabMo while here in Carmel. The new location in Sunnyvale isn't great for paper crafting classes as there isn't a lot of open space. I will do my iris folding cards but I would like to do some book binding classes. This spiral bond book binding machine was at one of the thrift stores. It had no price so they had to get someone from the back room. Now I already have one of these machines at home and I really don't need two. The only reason I even thought about getting it was for my future classes to speed things along. She asked me what I would offer and I said $5. Told her I already had one (it was given to me) and this would be a back up, plus it's not something that would sell fast if at all. She said how about $10? I said I would pass as I really don't need it. We settled on $6. 
The pressure to design some classes using this machine is on! 

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