Friday, May 17, 2024

Mandoline Score

I have been searching for an upside down pineapple cake recipe that uses a  cupcake pan. I would like to make mini cakes for the boys since a whole big cake doesn't store well. No luck so far. 
I did find an apple mini cake recipe that uses a cupcake pan but it requires a lot of very thin apple slices. A mandoline is a must have unless I want to spend hours slicing apples paper thin. I got lucky once again (The Secret working here) and found one at the thrift store. I also found an apple peeler to speed things along.  The bonus is I can now try making apple vinegar with all the peels. With the hot weather now here, all my baking has to happen early in the morning. I made brownies again this morning and I found out I have to make them a lot thinner and not too over bake them. Normal size is too thick, making it difficult to eat once the ice cream is added.  A little under baked also makes it easy to eat when frozen.  

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