Sunday, May 12, 2024

Majot Goal Reached

Another goal was reached at the thrift store!  The major reason I started volunteering at the Happy Dragon was help get the prices lowered. They were way too high in the housewares even if you weren't a reseller. Customers complained all the time about it. There was a shake up in the backroom and new volunteers were put in charge. They totally understand the chain reaction to having a fast sell through rate. 
Happy to report there hasn't been a complaint about prices in two months!
Being able to sell fast means we can take all the donations that come in. We have more room on the floor to put things out. We don't have to turn away donors who get upset.  
I'm also processing out the cheap fashion clothes so we only have the good stuff going out on the floor. 
Now why the photo.   
I've been looking for some larger shallow bowls. I hate it when all dressing or sauce ends up at the bottom of my other bowls. These came in and only tagged at $1.50 each. Major score!
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