Friday, May 3, 2024

Fernandez Farms - Hollister

Fernandez Farms -Hollister
At the farmers market in Carmel there's a dried fruit vendor from Hollister I really like. What I like about their dried fruit is they don't use a lot of sulfur, which is used as a preservative. Using too much gives  the fruit a slimy chemical after taste IMO. 
The other thing I really like are these mini kebabs thingy. I first got them during the holidays while the kids were in town.  I only purchased them ($25.00 a box)  because all the money goes into a scholarship fund for a graduating high school senior. I know it's a labor intensive and as Julia Child would say "a lot of hands touched it". Well to my surprise all the adults loved them! Nice little snack if you just want a little bit of something sweet. 
                           Apricot, Cherry, Pear and Peach.

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