Friday, May 3, 2024

Halibut Ceviche

My big splurge (food wise) today was hiking up to the farmer's market in town. I went for two things, the dried fruit medley and shrimp with salsa. 
Fish guy as I call him always has fresh salmon and that's how we got to know him. He also makes a very nice salsa over shrimp. Today he had halibut ceviche. I thought I would give it a try. I did ask for an extra scoop of salsa and it was a huge scoop. 
It was good (very fresh) but I would still like my halibut with a nice butter almond crust. :) 
Many, many years ago I use to dive for halibut, really I was the under water pack mule. I didn't like the idea of carrying around dead fish. Felt like I was baiting myself for the bigger predators in the ocean.  Local halibut can get quite large, not as big as in Alaska but still very impressive.  And of course my blog name is in honor of those flatfish!Related Posts with Thumbnails

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