Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Metal coffee filter worth it?

It's been a lot of work at the Happy Dragon after the big store clearance sale. I did a deep dive getting things cleaned up and the trashy stuff (things that didn't sell, even at 75% off) boxed up to go off to Hope. The dust bunnies were so big every time they blew out from under the shelves I thought I was being attack by giant tarantulas! We're now back to our normal crazy intake days. Being in a high income neighborhood, we get a lot of interesting  things, especially kitchen items.
I don't go out of my way for coffee but it just seems to find me. I was given some coffee beans when another volunteer said she couldn't handle the acidity. She had vacuum sealed the beans in small batches, something I didn't know you could do. I set up a little coffee bar section in my kitchen when I did a deep clean last week. I'm one to change things up as things change in my life. 
I do the pour over method because it takes up less space and easy to store when there's no coffee in the house. I don't mind using coffee filters since I compost everything but I thought I would give this metal filter a try. It is a hot mess to clean out but it does work. Not as pretty as my white ceramic one so I'm not sure I will keep. I would have never known about this metal filter if it hadn't come into the store. 

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