Thursday, July 11, 2024

Holiday lights for the win

I don't have any lights in my tiny back yard and no outlets. With the weather being so hot, I had to think of something so I could spend some time out here after dark. 
During the holidays down at the Carmel house, we ran into the same problem of no backyard lights. I did string a bunch of Christmas lights which was a challenge as there was only one outlet far away from the deck. Burned out many strings of light and blew the fuse several times. I have to be much more selective of how many I use this year! :)
I picked up a few boxes of new lights at the Dragon because I really didn't want to dig through my packed Christmas decoration boxes just to pull out the lights I all ready had. 
It does give me enough light to watch a movie or at least see where I'm going. I love the festive look and it makes me happy!

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