Sunday, July 7, 2024

Bumper Crop of Apricots

This was my first attempt at drying apricots. I didn't use any type of sulfur or acidic products the commercial growers use. I didn't have time to order anything as I wasn't expecting to get enough apricots to dry. Last year I think there was only one and the squirrels got it. So with this bumper crop, I pulled out my dehydrator (I have it at Buzz's house) while they were gone. I gave the apricots a bath in lemon water which I think just keeps them from turn totally brown. I also didn't dried they all the way which would hopefully keep them chewable. Have to say it was a failure. Maybe next year if I'm still here, I'll make jam. I did give a lot away and added many to my morning smoothies but there's only so much one person can eat! The squirrels did help out a lot, eating at least a dozen a day. 

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