Thursday, November 25, 2021

Henk's Quilt and more

Related Posts with ThumbnailsThis is the final fabric selection for Henk's baby quilt.  I do enjoy shopping for the fabric and then just waiting to see what my quilting friend Patty does with it. For Henk's quilt I asked for the "H" pattern to be used. I'm not sure that is the officially name but that's what I call it. I also went with bright color and a more babyish prints. 
I went a little over board on the buying the fabric, so I sent everything up to Patty to make a few more. 
This set of fabric is for a cousin's baby due in February. She's a foodie and coffee lover so the main print fabric was too cute to pass up. When I found the avocado looking print it was just too funny not to get it. 
Baby quilts don't require a lot of fabric so I've been checking out a consignment craft store here in town. It's very tiny (really don't know how it makes any money) shop and they have lot of end cuts of fabric. I've been picking through it so that's how I ended up with more fabric than Patty would need. Another cousin of Evan's is having a baby so if there's enough (which I'm sure there will be) asked Patty to make a third one. Very lucky to have a such a talented friend who likes to make quilts!

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