Friday, October 14, 2022

Eleven pound Irish crystal vase

On the same day I found my first swung vase, I found this massive eleven pound  24% lead crystal vase at Savers. If you follow my blog you know I talk about not finding much there and the prices are always too high. I now carry a small bag of donations so if I stop by, I can get the 20% coupon, every little bit helps! When I spotted this vase I thought it had to be damaged because it was still there. Yes, it was very dirty and not as sparkly as it is now. It was priced at $7 so I had to believe it was damaged somewhere. I checked this vase several times and couldn't find any wrong with it. At check out I paid $5 for this amazing vase!
I've been a little depressed in not finding a place to call home yet and my deadline is fast approaching!  Please send positive house hunting vibes my way!

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