Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Day in a life of a dog sitter

It's always a Range Rick moment when I'm babysitting the dogs. There's a huge backyard and tons of wildlife, not the scary kind like the ones when I lived in the Cupertino Hills. 
This squirrel is one tough cookie! The bird seed is coated with hot pepper sauce so only the birds can eat it. This spicy sauce doesn't keep Ms Squirrel from checking it out every couple of days. Her reaction is just a crack up as you can tell she's not happy with the spiciness. Ton of birds both big and little. The hummingbirds are super aggressive and I get dived bombed every morning. :) 
Of course there's sweet old Buzz who will follow me around but really would prefer to just be asleep on one of his many beds. 

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