Saturday, March 19, 2022

Having the eye to spot the real things

One of the reason I like to talk to the donors when they drop off is  because I can get idea of what is being donated. Normally we don't take dinnerware (fancy china especially) as it doesn't sell and takes up a lot of space. This donation came from a family cleaning out a storage unit from a woman who passed away awhile ago. From the age of the donor and that it was her mother's items, I knew almost everything would at least be vintage if not antique. I only saw the edge of these plates and I know they have been reproduced so normally I would have not taken them without pulling them out first. Once we got them inside, it was a very happy surprise to see the marks on the back. It's the original plates from back in the day as I thought they would be from my conversation with the donor. There were several other very cool things from this donation with more coming in as the family finishes cleaning out the storage unit. Hopefully it will happen before my last day on the job in April!

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