Sunday, March 27, 2022

My coffee adventure

After reading the cookbook from the Blue Bottle Coffee shop, I gave a few of their tips a try. 
When I saw goose neck kettle with a thermometer at the thrift store I picked it up. At first I thought it was just another useless gadget for the kitchen but the temperature of the water makes a big difference now that I can get it exactly right. Next was to add a little bit of salt, this tip came from Alton Brown and that too made a bid difference in the bitterness of the coffee. Next was to wet the ground just enough to soak them but not have it drain out.  Guess it's to let off the gas (not sure what that is all about) and have the grounds plump up before adding the rest of the water. The last step is to pour the water in circles as fast or slow as it's coming out. May seems like a lot of steps for someone who doesn't really like the taste of coffee :)  but I'm just surprised on how these changes effect the taste!  Now the big debate - do I buy a scale? Do I go down the path of roasting the coffee beans? I'm sure that would smell would be wonderful. 

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