If you've seen my office and didn't know me, you would think it was a gift shop. It's not your metal file cabinet kinda of place. I like to have things around me that inspire, make you smile and some what functional.
It's been a super bad month for me and as they say it can only get better. Working on getting the house for sale and dealing with all the legal matters with my soon to be ex husband, it's taking is toll. I decide to make some wish jars at work. I write on a slip of paper a wish and add it to the jar. Guess it's like the law of attraction. First up on the wish list is to find a place for both Annie and I to live. Would like to find someplace close to a park so I can keep running her everyday. So I'm putting the call out there to anyone who has any leads. I don't really have to wish for my house to sell, since we live in a area people want to buy a home because of the school district. I'm very sad to lose my house. When we remodeled it ten years ago, we did everything we would want for when we retired. Love everything about my house. Maybe I should wish for my next house to be on the beach. :)