Sunday, April 9, 2023

Story time 2023

I'm not bored just tired
My grandson always liked being read to, even as a baby.  Being the first born, his mom had a no TV rule.  That of course changed when the second baby arrived!  
Now that everyone lives in Holland, story time is done via FaceTime. All this high tech stuff to keep us in touch is just amazing!
When I was reading a book to Mees, he got up and moved the laptop to the table and got a chair so he could be more comfortable.  I could see him set everything up before sitting down. Don't know why this surprised me but it did.
My daughter picks out the books (via online) from my local library which makes it so much easier for me. There are thousands of children's book (I think half the library) so it's much faster for me  just pop in and pick up the books in the hold section.  Right now airplanes and trucks are a big hit. 

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