Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Picking at Goodwill 2020 - Vintage Blue Willow Mug

Picking at my local Goodwill isn't easy. The prices are almost full retail. I'm guessing it's becasue of the cost of living here is so high, things just cost more. There are many times I pop into the store and leave with nothing. Someone's collection of Blue Willow china was donated. Most of the items were reproductions so was passed over by the other pickers. This mug was buried under everything. My mom had a set of Blue Willow china when I was really young. Not sure what happened to it when we moved away from the farm, but the pattern always reminds me of my mom.
So what makes this mug special is it's vintage restaurant ware as well as being Blue Willow. It's the real deal. Will I be able to flip it for a profit? Only time will tell. 

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