Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Longchamp real or fake?

I'm a fan of Longchamp bags because they're practical and don't cost an arm and a leg.  As I was talking to the handbag person at the thrift store a Longchamp bag came in. She just glanced at it and said it was a knock off. I thought I would do a deep dive to see if it was really or a knock off. 

1) The handle looks like leather but it has a cord in it to keep it rounded. True Longchamp bag handles are just folded over. The edges are dyed black which is done on fakes. 

2) The logo is heavily embossed, so much so it will also show up on the reverse side. It's not always 100% but there should be a little showing, if not it's a fake. 

3) I couldn't find this color on the official color chart but colors aren't always clear online. 

4) Longchamp stamps the name of the bag and where it was made.  There's a circumflex (yes I had to look up what that thingy was called) over the e. It very hard to see but it should be there. 

There were a few other things to prove it's a fake but to me it still looks good. It was priced for only $7.00 because it was a knock off.  I plan to use it as toiletry bag since I now use a water pik and electric tooth brush which takes up a lot of room in my  average size toiletry bag. 


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