Thursday, February 27, 2025

Crafting Space

A few months ago I sent off 75 cards (mostly Iris folding cards) to an online friend for her church support group. They set up a card shop in memory of a member who had passed away. The money raised helps keeps the support group going. 

I know she really wanted birthday and get well cards but I sent what I had a lot of. Crazy that I had that many iris folding cards made and still didn't make a dent in my back stock. I even sold 21 of those cards last week (at a big discount) to a teacher for her graduating class of teachers and my rack is still full. 

Every place I've gone to over the past few years, I take card making supplies with me. Most of the time I only get parts done (and I have a lot of parts) and rarely finished a full card. While staying at a friend's house this month, I now have the space to spread out. I'm really trying to focus on the theme she wants. It's so nice to have the space that I can just walk into and be creative for a few minutes or hours when the mood strikes me. I'm working with what I have easy access to as all of my craft supplies are packed away in different boxes. 

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