Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Setting new art goals

I've never been one to sit and read a book cover to cover unless I was on a long flight.I wish I was one of those type who can go on vacation with a good book.

When I was hiking in Machu Picchu several years ago I saw a man doing a pen and ink drawing in his travel journal.It was a clear sunny day and he had a small bottle of black ink next to him with this amazing view of Machu Picchu. For some reason that is the strongest image I have of my time at Machu Picchu.I'm now starting the process of actually doing a travel journal. Not really for traveling but more like my blog of everyday life stuff.I use to scrapbook but it always felt manufactured, not creative enough or really me. One of the things to start my  journaling path is to try new fonts on my blog, then practice writing in that font. I'm drawn to the bold graphic look in journals so I think that will be a good start. 

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