Monday, March 24, 2025

Hand Carved Figures - MaxSold

Did I really need to buy these? No, but they came up for auction on MaxSold this week and I got them for only $7. Yes, I will flip them.

What caught my eye was the birds sitting on their heads, which I'm sure has some symbolic meaning. The woman is holding a baby or doll, guessing that's a sign of fertility. The man is holding what I can only guess is corn.  The pair turned out to be bigger than I thought because I didn't read the fine print. About 12" tall. Can't get any comps on these as they were hand carved, probably from some where in South America. 


Saturday, March 22, 2025

Manifesting a new home

I picked up this door mat a few months ago, manifesting that I would put it in front of my new place. Didn't know where or when that was going to be.
I'm getting to slowly move my stuff in, my official move in date is April 1. The place has a few more things that need to be fixed. One of the first things I did was put down this door mat!  think is looks good! :)
I purposely pack what I could in small boxes that I could lift myself. At the time, eight months ago I had no idea if I would be able to find a place or have to put everything into storage. Being able to move most of my stuff myself was important. I'm taking a couple a car loads over every day this week before the movers come for the big stuff. Since I have a lot of time, I count moving the boxing as my daily work out. :) Good thing I drive a big car! 

Vintage Cook's Illustrated Magazines.

As a cookbook fan, I hit the mother lode of cooking magazines. Years ago I had a subscription to Cook's Illustrated  and loved it. What was great about the magazine was it didn't have any ads and the cooking tools or products they recommend were not sponsors. Always felt that I could trust what they were saying. Since Christopher Kimball left the company you could see the change. Sponsors products were being featured, so you had no way of knowing if their endorsements were legit or not. I also like the artwork for the covers on the older magazines. 
Now these older vintage magazines when Chris was in charge have no resell value (regardless of what people tell you) so at the store they're given away. I'm currently cat sitting so I have over 60 magazines to go through! Yes, I'm a happy camper!

Thursday, March 20, 2025


On my last walk on the beach I was still looking for hag stones. I found this one on my way back to the stairs. Hag stones aren't easy to spot so I'm hopeful my manifesting is working. :) Looking for something also keeps your mind focus on something and not turning inwards with negative thoughts. It was hard to say good-bye to the house, it's been my sanctuary for so many years. It would be wonderful to own the house but that would be one huge manifestation!
Update - I'm currently cat sitting so I have access to wifi so I can post. I'm actively packing for my big move next week! So excited to be in what I hope will be my happy place!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Milk Street Cookbooks

Yes, I picked up a few more cookbooks. I'm a big fan of Milk Street so when I came across these cookbooks for just $5, I had to get them! One of the books is a recent one too - 2024!

I stopped by one of my favorite thrift book store here in Carmel  one last time. I was hoping I would find a book on Sashkio stitching which I'm planning on learning to do. I have a lot of denim shirts which need a little TLC, great to practice on. The Japanese textile book (32 year old art exhibition in Seattle) gives the history behind Sashkio but more importantly inspirational photos of garments I would love to sew. Really I hope to find garments to alter while thrifting because my sewing skills are just basic. 


Thursday, March 13, 2025

Things I didn't get when out picking

Went to the Last Chance thrift store this morning before the storm hit. It's not a place I expect to find anything but when I'm super bored I make the drive. There is a section in the store that has a warning sign things are priced high. I spotted this Japanese Soma-Yaki punch bowl. I'm a fan of this style and I didn't know they even made a punch bowl. It's   famous for their tea cup sets. Priced at $55, I had to do the comps. There are several on eBay but none have sold, that's not a good sign. That also tells me that whoever is pricing things is just looking at listing and not the actual sold comps. I know the pottery kilns were shut down for various reasons (earthquakes, nuclear power plant, tidal waves) so these haven't been in production for a long time now. It's unique enough for me to think about it but knowing I couldn't resell it for even a small profit, I had to pass. :(
There were some artwork pieces I liked but I had to also pass for lack of wall space. The child like drawing of a cricket made me smile (don't ask me why) so it almost made it into my cart.  

Priced at $125

Priced at $5


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Window

The whole "when a door closes a window opens" moment. My window is that I finally got word that my move in date to my new place is April 1st! I've been waiting for months for this place (long divorce battle, theirs not mine) to be open to rent. Yes, I put all my eggs in one basket waiting for this place. My psychic friend told me it would happen and wanting to believe her, I just waited. Living with everything boxed up hasn't been mentally fun but I kept my eye on the end goal. 
Now why the picture. While down here at the beach house the Joining Hands thrift store has these amazing leather chairs. I love the color, the feel and it's amazingly very clean. There are two but I only really need one. I've been looking for a comfortable reading chair as I'm not really a sofa type of person. I'm doing a pros and cons list because the price is $325.00 each. Not a bad price but do I really need it? I like to think of it as a sign it should be added to my new place. :) 
Update - they have already sold :(


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

When a door close a window opens

e all heard the saying "when a door closes a window opens".  I was told that the Carmel house will be sold at some point next year. The cost of keeping this very old house is just too much for my friends.  Many, many things have to be repaired or replaces so they decided it was best to sell.  One of the requests her mother made before she passed away was to open the home to people who wanted to walk the beach but couldn't afford staying at the hotels. Her daughter (my friend) did that for almost 30 years. It's been a sanctuary for me, a place to recharge and find peace. Happy that my grandsons got to experience the beach house. One of the few regrets I have in life is that we didn't buy the house when my friend first inherited it back in 1993. It would have been a huge stretch for a us to do that but I knew it wasn't the right move for them. Now it's a running joke that we should once again try and buy it. I listened to a podcast about manifesting what you want. One of the small steps is to look for hearts everyday. It's just to get your mind to focus on something. So I decided to not only look for hearts but to also look for the hard to find hag stones. This may be my last time here at the house unless I can manifest a few million dollars in the next year. The photo is what I found on  my beach walk last night. I haven't found a hag stone in a long time so I was thrilled when it popped up. Maybe there is hope I'll be able to buy the house!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Just love a super size tote bag.

Thrift stores get a lot of dirty and unusable junk. Sorting out all of that does take time as well as disposing of it. Most of my volunteer time is spent getting rid of the junk. 

 While I was talking to the handbag volunteer she tossed this over sized canvas tote in the "go away pile". I asked why and she said it was too dirty to try and sell.  It was very dirty, especially the handles. I liked it because it was oversized and thought I should up grade from using Costco or Ikea plastic totes.  I take my bedding with me whenever I go to the beach house so that takes a really large bag. Since I have access to a large washing machine while at my friend's house I gave it a deep clean. I think after three washes it came out pretty good. Doesn't look grungy any more and better than my Costco bag. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Paper Quilling

6x6 cards and frame
There is a stationary store in Pacific Grove called the Quill. I always try to stop by and check out their displays and cards. This line of paper quilling cards are so impressive!  I can only manage a hedge hog when I've done paper quilling. :)  I picked up this one because when the town is known for their monarch butterfly park and it was some place I visited with the boys. I've been waiting for a square frame to come into the store and I got lucky once again. Fits perfectly and the black frame really sets off the butterfly. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Share a little kindness

I don't do a lot of shopping on Amazon but friends keep giving me GC. I know there is a boycott with Amazon and I support it but I do want to use up my GC.  It's been hard as there isn't anything I really need or willing to spend twice as much for. 

A few years back I dropped something off at a friend's house and she had a cooler filled with bottled water for anyone delivering packages to her house. It was during the summer when it can get super hot. I always liked that idea so I finally got to do it this week. While at my friend's house it was safe to leave things out by the front door. They ask that all their packages be left by the front door and not their mailbox which is at the bottom of a very long driveway. If the driver can't get their trucks up the narrow driveway, then they have to hike up the hill. All the stars were alined, I had the drinks, an Amazon order coming and a box to put everything in.

Now the challenge is to use up that GC.  

Dress Form

This weekend we took in 3 estates in less than 2 hours. That was a whole lot of stuff! 
One of the estates was from a single professional woman who wore very stylist suits. No boring black or grey but colorful mixed textured prints. 
 She must have tailored her suits because this was her dress form.  Yes she was a tiny woman, her waist was only 25 inches! Hopefully someone can appreciate and use this dress form.