I've had a cold for the last few days and all I want to do is stay in bed but with a young high energy dog in the house that's not possible. To top everything else, it's also raining. I take Annie out rain or shine even when I'm sick. I can't run her as long because of my cold and the rain so I have to find other things to use up her energy. One thing that gets Annie wound up is the vacuum. I don't know what it is but she goes nuts and runs around like it's going to eat all her tennis balls if she doesn't kill it first. Try vacuuming while holding back a 73 pound GS. I tell her to go find her ball while the vacuum is running and she goes into a high alert manic search and rescue mode looking for her ball. Annie acts like if she doesn't find that ball within seconds the nasty vacuum will suck it up and she will be down to only 99 balls. It's suppose to rain the rest of the week so I will be doing a lot vacuuming.
Flat Fish Paper Arts was born many years ago when blogging first started. My family did a lot of camping and diving along the California coast. California halibut are huge fish that start out as any normal fish. As they age, one eye will start to move to the other side and the halibut will become flat so it can lay on the bottom of the ocean with both eyes facing up.
I always like the idea that we all start out the same but life experiences slowly changes us. In my case, my creative talents went the way of paper arts. Flatfish are always looking up when they mature and as with any artist, we see inspiration in everything around us - always looking up.
Evan and her flatfish
Years ago a local dive shop had a photo of a diver who caught a halibut so big he had to throw it over his jeep to take the picture. Our little spoof with our daughter sitting in her toy jeep with dad's halibut on the hood. 1987
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