Thursday, March 13, 2025

Things I didn't get when out picking

Went to the Last Chance thrift store this morning before the storm hit. It's not a place I expect to find anything but when I'm super bored I make the drive. There is a section in the store that has a warning sign things are priced high. I spotted this Japanese Soma-Yaki punch bowl. I'm a fan of this style and I didn't know they even made a punch bowl. It's   famous for their tea cup sets. Priced at $55, I had to do the comps. There are several on eBay but none have sold, that's not a good sign. That also tells me that whoever is pricing things is just looking at listing and not the actual sold comps. I know the pottery kilns were shut down for various reasons (earthquakes, nuclear power plant, tidal waves) so these haven't been in production for a long time now. It's unique enough for me to think about it but knowing I couldn't resell it for even a small profit, I had to pass. :(
There were some artwork pieces I liked but I had to also pass for lack of wall space. The child like drawing of a cricket made me smile (don't ask me why) so it almost made it into my cart.  

Priced at $125

Priced at $5


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