Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bored Crafters - Are you one too?

I was told during a recession the craft industry booms. People want to do more handmade gifts or craft projects at home. I have to agree with it just from what I saw when I was out holiday shopping. All the craft stores were very busy and had lots of shoppers. The non craft stores were empty even on Black Friday.
I read an article from Creative Leisure News (an online magazine about the craft industry) about what is happening in the craft world. It was so interesting to me, that I thought I would share some of the highlights.
Here's the link if you want to read the whole article.

Here's the link to the people that responded to the article which was also interesting.
What's wrong with the big box craft stores sales is that the customers are bored. Gone are the days when you could walk in and get ton of ideas. Gone to are well stocked shelves so you could gather everything up and go home to make the project. The price of the product is now the number one and sometimes the only consideration about what will go on the sales floor. How many times have you walked into any big box craft store just to get inspired for new ideas? Ever ask for help with a project? Maybe I'm a craft snob now and have way too many supplies at home but when I go into the big stores, I walk right past all those aisles and with coupon in hand buy the one thing I came in for. It's a whole different shopping experience when I visit an independent store. I first look at their samples (which always surprises me when they don't have current samples up) and then I shop. If the store has great samples, I'm more likely to buy tons of stuff. So I guess I fall into the bored shopper category. I'm looking for the shop (big or small) that can inspire my creative side before I let my money fly.


  1. Amen - and what is so funny is that I was at Hobby Lobby today, and there was not an employee in sight. A lady in the bead aisle was so desperate to share her project that she just started talking to me and showing me her stuff, along with the magazine page she got the idea from.

    I hope we do boom. Craft requires a person to person connection, I think. At least that's what I like.

    Thanks for sharing - I might link to you if that's cool.

  2. In the chain stores like M's or HL, I find myself scouring the store for those exact supplies that I need, I will use my coupon if I have one, and then I get out. I used to get a lot more distracted than I do now; I'm better now at focusing. If I'm going to do impulse buying, I'd rather do it at the LSS :)
