Thursday, December 18, 2008

How close can your camera get to your cat?

Both Purrcy and Lucy were hanging around my computer this morning when I was blogging about bored crafters. I asked if anyone wanted to pose as a bored cat. I thought it was funny (only a cat person would understand any of this) that neither cat walked away. So I decided to see how close I could get my camera to their faces before they moved. For both Lucy and Purrcy (who I think were playing "chicken" about being the first one to move) let me get so close that the camera len's was touching them. I had to move back a few inches, otherwise all you would see is fur. I don't have a macro lens so these are really close up and personal shots.


  1. HAHAHAHA!! They truly look "cat"atonic!!!

  2. I tried with Angel today, but she snubbed me & kept turning her head away every time I got the camera in focus.

  3. LOL!!! Great pics! They must have been very still!
