Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bee Guild - Queen Bee

Our local bee guild had it's end of the year party this past weekend which also means new officers had to be elected. As with all these types of groups, it's hard to find people to sit on the board. Doug and I were asked to be president but our schedules are too busy to take on one more thing and I don't know enough about the day to day running of a hive to do it alone. So, I said I would be the president's "Senior Gofer" and do all the behind the scenes work for him or her to help lightly the load. In true form of rolling with the punches, the guild decided to re-title the vice-president's job to "Senior Gofer". I was a little surprised to find out that I got voted in on the bee guild board officially as "Gofer". :) Really it's a great group of people all with a passion for bee keeping.

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