Monday, December 15, 2008

Hello Kitty Ornament

My daughter picked the theme for this year's gift exchange my family does at Christmas. During the "Itatani Food Fest" (what you would call Thanksgiving and Christmas) we play cards in between eating and the winner of the first game gets to pick the theme of the gift exchange for the following Christmas. We have 6X6 boxes (we reuse the boxes every year) that the gift must fit in and you get bonus points if it also matches the theme. My cousins are hard core shoppers so I didn't want to buy anything at the million plus Sango specialty stores we have here in the Bay Area. I also couldn't find a rubber Hello Kitty stamp. I finally downloaded a Hello Kitty in a kimono image and printed it out on a transparency to make an ornament. It will fit in the box, matches the theme and I no one of my family will have one like it - so I'm good to go.


  1. fabulous job and so clever of you to print on a transparency.

  2. These are adorable, but I'm a little slow on the draw. The transparencies - do you draw the image right on the ornament or are they inserted into the ornament? It's so hard to see it on my computer. Now quit laughing at me and answer my question Lisa!

  3. You can either stamp (Stazon) or print out from you printer the image on transparencies. You add the color with Sharpie pens (I think they work the best)on the back of (non print side) of the image. The image is then rolled up and pushed into the glass ornament.
