Monday, April 20, 2020

watercolor pencils 2020

With all the lock down free time, I've finally sat down and worked with my watercolor pencils. Many professional artists don't understand why someone would want to use watercolor pencils instead of regular watercolors in a pan. The pencils work great for card makers since we don't work on big canvas and most of the time just need a little bit of color. 
I'm very heavy handed with any type of color media but I like the wispyiness (sp?)  look of watercolor. So having the time to practice with my pencils and brushes, I finally found a way to  get that look. The fun part is every painting comes out different. I do have two sets of watercolor pencils and the cheaper brand worked out better, at least for me. That was a total surprise! So now I'm going to try and turn them into cards then try once again try to file for unemployment.
Stay safe everyone and see you at the other end. :)

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