Monday, April 20, 2020

Staying Positive 2020

Beach 2020
It's hard to stay positive and creative during these very stressful times. It's like always waiting for the next pin to drop or that last straw that will break the camel's back. 
Card making for me is a hobby I enjoy and I do have enough supplies (other than tape) to last me forever. Having this much time at home I've realized that for me it's getting into the creative zone that I like. Making a card is just the result. 
For many years I made and sold cards but never sent any out. I decided that was so silly so I make the effort to mail them out now too. 
Depression doesn't help the creative process at all and I have to force myself to sit in front of work table and stare at my stuff. Surfing online for ideas is like going down the endless bunny hole and at the end of the day having done nothing. I'm trying really really hard to spend a few hours  a day internet free but boredom is a killer! Even my garden is on hold becasue the garden centers are closed and my landlord has decided to increase my rent by 20%-30% (he said it's an adjustment not an increase) so my water and electrical use has to be monitored more closely now.
When life overwhelms me, I escape to the beach when I can. The hour spent walking on the beach gives my mind a break from having to be an adult. Seeing Annie so happy and relaxed is an added bonus. Annie is getting older so marathon hikes or multiple walks a day are just too hard on her. Annie does enjoy a car ride so she's loaded up into the car every time I go out even if it's just to the post office. My car has to be driven everyday to keep the small starter battery charged, it's a hybrid. 

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