Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Martha Stewart Glitter Contest

This was a group effort at one of the stores I teach at. Memories Live On wanted to enter the Martha Stewart glitter contest. Not sure what you win but you had to only use Big Martha's glitter. I'm not a glitter person at all because of the messy it makes. I made the pinwheels from 12x12 and 8x8 card stock. It was a challenge to get the pinwheels to stick together. Glitter on glitter doesn't stick. I finally had to use some heavy duty brads to hold the centers down. Holly (one of the the other teachers made the sun. Vivian the store owner finished off the rest. I think the store turned out a really nice display.
Even after two weeks I still finding glitter in my studio. No matter how many times I dust and vacuum!!!


  1. I hate glitter too - that's why I banned it from my classroom years' ago. Teenage girls' can't make any school project/poster w/o out glitter!!!
    Stickles - now I love those!!

  2. This is fantastic!! I'm with Patti on the Stickles though - I think between the kids and I we have every color available :)
