Flowers in my front hallway. It's been a very busy week, with little time to blog or do anything super creative. My Dad's bathroom remodel is almost done and that has been a very challenging task. My hubby has done the loin share of the work (taking things down to the studs, with some of the studs having to be replaced too) because my Dad just felt better if my hubby did the work. Doing work for your family just adds another layer of stress to things. My hubby walked out on the job at least every other day, swearing at me that he was not going to come back. My Dad (who is now 89) didn't help things because he kept changing he's mind on almost everything. I do have to say my go to general contractor Randy has been a life saver. We call with random questions or in my case in a panic looking for some good sub-contractors. Not only did all the subs do good work, they all showed up early. You know they give you a window of two or three hours of when they would be there but everyone of them showed up a few minutes early. Hubby is off abalone diving (we won't discuss that) this weekend and I have back to back classes at both stores.
Wow - subcontractors showing up early!! I didn't know that ever happened! :)