Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Third World Problems

I asked for a Apple watch for Christmas. There was a very practical reason since I'm not a very high tech type. A friend fell while walking her dog and emergency services were notified of her location. It did save her life. It made me realize I should get a watch especially since I plan to do more hiking in the hills. It was an Apple watch Christmas as everyone else upgraded their watches. Starting from the top down, the watches were passed down to younger family members. There were cables and chargers all over the house for the various devices. The newer iPhones now have a different charger which means I have to carry multiple cables, very much a third would problem.

Today I'm closing up the Carmel house. I've spent the last week packing up everything to either storage or sell off. The past few days have been cleaning and washing all the bedding. The washing alone took a whole day as things have to be bone dry. The damp weather here makes things go moldy quickly. The kitchen takes the longest to clean. Trying to clean a very old stove top and oven is almost impossible. Hopefully I'll get everything done today and head home. It's been wonderful being here for two months with my family for the holidays!

Hoping for a better year and finding a place to call home. 


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