Thursday, July 18, 2024

Another creative project in the works.

Being a night owl I started working on this picture board for the boys around 11:00 pm. Thought it would be fun for them to add pictures while they're actuall
y here. I didn't get pic of the canvas before I painted over it but it was cover with pages from an old book. I pulled it from the Hope bin at the store. That's the bins where things go that we think we can't sell at the Happy Dragon. I knew at some point I would be doing something with it. It's been hanging around my studio for months. 
I know boys' favorite color is orange (it's a Dutch thing) but I didn't have any so I tried to mix up some. It's not orangey enough so I may break down and go buy a bottle. I hate to do that as I have a lot of half used paint bottles hanging around! I don't need a lot so me trying to get the right blend would take way too much paint that I can't save. 
I do like the texture on the Carmel word but wondering if it's a little too grungy.  Then I was wondering if the red would look like blood stains. Plan to add sea shells around the outside to make a sort of frame. 
I may get the boys a kid's Polaroid camera for Christmas. I just have to get over how expensive the film is especially since the photos don't last all that long. 
I may make one on a bigger canvas so we can get more photos on it. Oblivous this won't be something they will be able to pack in their suitcase to take home. :)  

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