Friday, June 28, 2024

Iris Folding Class - August7, 2024 1

Back in the saddle again teaching at FabMo! Starting out with an oldie, a class that I've taught for years. Even with all my downsizing, I still have enough supplies to do this class as a volunteer. Doing the fan and kimono, two of the easiest ones to learn. 
I'm working on two more new classes that I hope to get done this month. I don't have any babysitting gigs lined up so I have no excuse not to get the samples done. :)
I'm not sure how FabMo will let people know about the classes as it's a new department for them but will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. So good to see someone doing a class in iris folding. I am one of your former student at Cranberry more years than I care to remember. It is a very fun way to make cards. Your posting brought me to digging in my stash for my patterns and papers. Since I provide cards and favors for the holidays for a local hospice group, your post reminded me that I have not used iris folding as a card style Thank you
