Thursday, May 9, 2024

Monday Meal Prep.

I know meal prepping has been a thing for a while. My dad wasn't a fan of leftovers but coming from a large family, there usually wasn't anything left anyways. The whole cooking process is my thing and hobby. 
But you can teach an old dog new tricks. I've been making lasagna a lot lately because I want to get the gluten free recipe down before the boys come for the holidays. So either I eat lasagna for every meal for a week (did that with the first one I made) or portion it out and freeze. Since I was on the road for a month, that turned out to be the best idea. 
Monday is my meal prep day. Made a turkey lasagna (not sure I like it) and ice cream brownies - more on why I made those later.  
So what's the photo all about? A month ago I picked up several kitchen items at an auction. I have a tiny kitchen so this small Cuisinart (cost $1) doesn't take up a lot of space and it's easy to move around. I made a batch of the "good stuff" (ginger and green onion), which only took minutes to make in a food processor. 
Cooking for one, a head of cabbage is a lot to deal with so planning ahead is required. I plan to make salads and some pickled Asian sides dishes. 
I made a simple peanut salad dressing from a recipe I found online from Love and Lemons. I had just picked up her cookbook this past weekend so I recognized the name. It's a very basic recipe, but it was good. Using the Cuisinart I didn't have grate the garlic as the recipe called for. I thought it was odd to grate the garlic instead of crushing. I guess saying "grate" instead of "crushed" just sounds more refined. It whipped up in seconds but I did add a little too make garlic. Could be why you have to grated so you don't going over board. :) 
I've tried a few other recipes from Love and Lemons and decided it won't get a spot in my book case. Just not my cup of tea. 

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