Monday, May 27, 2024

Auction and China Sets

DGW Auction House - Sunnyvale
I haven't been to the local auction house in months. It's only once a month now (use to be every two weeks) at the end of the month. I've always been out of town or dog sitting so timing hasn't been good. 
I'm trying not add to my huge stash of inventory as I feel like I'm living in a storage unit in my tiny ADU. Slowly working my way through all the boxes. There wasn't anything at the auction that was a must have. 
I did put everything in my booth at Cottage Craft on sale for 50% off just to clear the shelves. My profit margin isn't as high and taking a loss on some things. Part of the reselling game is to get your investment back even if there's no profit. Many resellers hold on to things way too long hoping for a big payday which never comes. They end up with over stuffed storage units. 
One of the debates we have all the time at the thrift store is about the china sets. It's always been a tough sell and it takes up a lot of space. Even knowing the original cost was $$$$ it has not resell value at all. At the auction house there were over 20 sets of china. I stopped counting there were so many. 
At my family get togethers we always used real plates, my mom insisted on it. Over time the china became very worn but I'm happy that it was used and enjoyed. 
So please stop saving your china for only special occasions that never happen. Use it now because down the road after you're gone, it will end up in the landfill. :(

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