Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Solo traveling

I'm a list person and always have been. I get way more done and things don't fall through the cracks. While on my mini vacation here is Carmel I sort of winged it. Yes, I packed art projects (usually too many) to do while here. Most of the time none of them get done but I have them just in case! 
You would think with all the cookbooks I buy here I would be cooking up a storm. The kitchen isn't great for cooking and isn't stocked tool wise for it either. When my family is here I bring everything a cooking kitchen should have. But with just me, I meal prep ahead of time so I just have to reheat or add a salad dressing. One thing I started to do was pop into Whole Foods and splurge on something. It's my version of going out to eat. :) 
 I wasn't sure what was good my first time there, so I watched an employee who was going on his lunch break. He got. Tikka Masala (at least I think that is what it was) over saffron rice. Now that's my go to meal. Then I go to the cookie bar or by the slice pie case so see what looks good or interesting. It was a bust this time with nothing looking tasty. 
To change things up I did take my lunch to Lovers Point by the Monterey Bay  Aquarium. It was a beautiful sunny day to watch the waves crashing over the rocks. Can't get a better view than that!!!

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