Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Sixth sense ?

Yellow roses are my favorite flower, well maybe favorite rose.
There are some people who just have to sixth sense or psychic ability. I believe we all have a sixth sense but some have it at a much higher degree. 
Yesterday at CCB I was in a discuss with another vendor who has having a hard time selling her tiny house in Nevada. I been talking about the house in Sunnyvale that I had just cleaned out and how much it sold for. It went 500k (yes half a million) over the asking price. Sold for 2.89 million.  
She was complaining about not being able to sell her small place in Carson NV for just $250k. The house has a ton of structural issues so getting a bank loan would be almost impossible.  Sounds like it should be a torn down.  Anyways, I said you have too much emotional attachment to the house because your'e unwilling to sell it "as is".  Then Tami (owner at CCB who's at a much higher level psychically) said "Let go of your house, tell it good-bye". For me the light bulb clicked on and the air around us just got calm. I know as weird as that sounds but you could feel the change. 
The vendor had said in our conversation that the home had a lot of memories (most not good) and emotions attached to it because of her mother. You could tell she wasn't ready to say good-bye so very good chance the house wouldn't sell until she can. 
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