Sunday, September 17, 2023

Pumpkin Ravioli - bad as it sounds

Trader Joe's is my go to store and has been since the first one opened up here years ago. Now that I live in walking distance to a store, that's even better. I like being able to buy the basics and get checked out fast. I think TJ is the only store that uses all its checkout registers when there's a rush. 
They've started to get some super weird prepared food combo in. It's like someone in the RND department threw darts on a board of ingredients and made a frozen meal out of it.  The ice cream section is just plain odd even for a foodie like me. 
This pumpkin ravioli just came in and I wasn't overly excited about it but it was gluten free. Still I thought I'd give it a try, I mean how bad could it be? I just added a little butter and grated cheese, to see how good it was on its own. After two bites, I knew it was going to be a challenge to finish it. Gummy, rubbery and tasteless - think stale gummy bear texture. This is definitely a big miss!!! Seriously just because it's getting close to October, not everything has to be made with pumpkin!

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