Monday, July 24, 2023

Coddled Eggs

There was an estate sale that happened this weekend in my neighborhood but I wasn't planning on going because it was being done by a local high end estate company = $$$$. From the photos they published online, the estate had some very nice things but I know everything was priced over retail. 
On the last day of every estate sale, things are usually 50% off. I decided to stop by just to see what was left. It was very slim pickings but I did manage to fill a box. When I went to check out the first totally was $120.  I said nope, she went down to $100. I seriously looked down at the box and said "I'm a reseller and the profit margin is so narrow on this box (which was true), it isn't worth $100 so I'll pass on the box".  She was a little shocked that I would walk away. I knew they only had another two hours before the sale was over so I offered $50.  I still think was a little high but I did really want these egg coddlers. 
One of the things I've been looking for is a pair of egg coddlers. I want to make some for the boys when they come out to visit but it takes 8 minutes to cook an egg. Having two would make things go a little faster as we all know toddlers who are hungry can be little cranky. They original had these tagged for $18 each, which is over retail. Even at $9 I still wouldn't have picked them up. They're vintage and I'm pretty sure they were never used to make eggs. Can't tell you the exact price, as there were several other things in my box, but it couldn't be more than a few dollars. 
There was a lot of nice paintings and artwork that wasn't selling, and that was sad. Artwork doesn't sell well on the secondary market. 
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