Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Bird bath Upcycling Continues

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I'm really have a great time making birds baths. I still have no birds coming into my yard but I'm hopeful!
There was a dead apricot tree right by my  front door when I first moved in. It had been dead for many years because during the heavy rains we had this winter, I was able to push it over. I knew the landlord would never pay to have it removed so it was up to me to do something with it. It was a slow process of going out when I could and sawing a small section of the tree at a time. Most of the tree went in the compost bin but as I was getting to the trunk (which take hours to hand saw through) I thought I would make it into a birdbath stand. Digging the hole wasn't that easy as the ground is rock hard but I'm slowly working on that too. The plan is once I get the stump level and secure, I'll plant something green around it. No idea what yet but something to make the birds feel a little more secure. 
I picked up the dish at the goodwill in Salina a few months ago for $1.87 knowing I would use it out in my garden. It may end up on the stump as feeder as it's a little to shallow for a bird bath. 

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